March 2020
I am a landlord, I always undertood that in order for the RTB to conduct an investigation on me a complaint must have been made against me, either by one of my tenants or a third party. Is this correct?
You are incorrect. The legislation changed on the 1st of July 2019. The Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) now initiate an investigation for certain breaches of the law by landlords proactively (own volition) as well as reactively (complaint).
An Authorised Officer is appointed to carry out an investigation.
The RTB can instigate an investigation without a complaint being made by use of internal RTB records such as the register of tenancies or other records available to them. The RTB can also act on external information such as concerns raised by members of the public; open source information or Local Authorities – Data Exchange.
Read more on Investigations & Sanctions HERE