Annual Membership

From: 150.00 / year and a 25.00 sign-up fee


With a diverse and growing membership, the IPOA is truly representative of Irish property owners (landlords). In the current complex property market landlords need to be part of an established and trusted organisation to make sure that you are protected and are aware of all your obligations, you need to ensure that your concerns are heard and acted upon and that you are represented.

There are three membership levels:

Single Unit Membership: is for property owners with one residential unit. €150 Annual fee plus €25 Joining fee.

Multiple Unit Membership: is for property owners with more than one residential unit who most likely do not have staff outside the family. €250 Annual fee plus €25 Joining fee.

Corporate Membership: is for property owners that manage a larger property portfolio of units and have set-up as a formal business to manage their affairs. €750 Annual Fee.

Your membership will automatically renew each year unless you decide to cancel.

To cancel, simply log in to your account, click on ‘Subscriptions’ where you will see your details and the button to cancel your subscription.


Individual membership, Multiple membership, Corporate membership

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