Can I Increase The Rent?

17th November, 2020


A rent review on my property was due to occur during the Covid-19 emergency period (27th March to 1st August 2020). I did not conduct this review. Can I increase the rent now – Is the tenant now required to pay the new rent?


Rent increases were not permitted to come into effect during the emergency period (27th March to 1st August 2020).

However, from 2 August 2020, rent reviews/increases can take effect as normal for tenants who have not been financially impacted by COVID-19. You must follow the usual rent setting and review rules inside and outside a Rent Pressure Zone (RPZ).

If your tenant’s rent is increased, no backdating is allowed.

Where you have received a Self-Declaration stating the tenant has been affected by Covid-19, no rent increase can take effect until the day after the expiry of the emergency period – i.e. 11th January 2021.

  • Rent Review Notice (In RPZ) – Click HERE
  • Rent Review Notice (Outside RPZ) – Click HERE


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Categories: Landlord Query of the Week and Uncategorized.