Do I need to provide my tenants with a lawnmower?

April 2024


New tenants recently moved into my rental property. As part of the Lease, it was agreed that the tenants would be responsible for cutting the grass, the garden is of medium size.

As the weather has become warmer the grass has become overgrown and the property looks messy.

I have asked the tenant why the grass has not been cut and they replied that ‘I need to provide them with a Lawnmower’.

As a landlord, do I legally have to provide garden equipment such as a lawnmower for the tenants.


Whilst the landlord is responsible for the structure and exterior of the property, such as drains, pipes, gutter etc.  there isn’t anything that specifies any obligations when it comes to cutting the grass or gardening.

Responsibility for maintenance of the garden should be dealt with in the lease agreement. Therefore, if it is stated and agreed in your lease that the tenant is responsible for maintaining the garden, then they must ensure that the grass is cut.

Some leases have a clause requiring the tenant to keep the garden tidy and to cut the grass regularly.

There is no legal requirement for the landlord to provide a lawnmower, the tenant would have to source one to meet their obligations in the garden.

However, some Landlords find it is more practical for the landlord to provide a lawnmower. Remember if you do decide to provide a lawnmower – you are responsible to maintain the equipment and make sure it is in working order.

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* Take note of the date of publication of this piece. Information on this website may change with the passing of time and the law is constantly changing. Whilst we take steps to ensure the accuracy of the information, we cannot guarantee this. Clarification should always be sought.  
Categories: Landlord Query of the Week and Uncategorized.