Fees for RTB Annual Registration

April 2022

Landlords must register tenancies each year on time, otherwise late fees will be payable .


Fees for Annual Registration


Private/Student Specific Accommodation (SSA)/Cost Rental Tenancies



Standard Registration Fee


Application made to the RTB within one month of the tenancy commencement date €40
Additional Late Fee Application made to the RTB more than one month after the tenancy commencement date €10 for every month (part thereof) that registration is late

Composite Registration Fee


A reduced fee in respect of an application made to the RTB, within one month of the earliest tenancy commencement date, to register a maximum of 10 tenancies in one building by the same landlord at the same time


2nd Registration or Subsequent in a 12-month period

No fee applies to the 2nd and subsequent registration in a 12-month period in respect of the same dwelling, providing the applications are made to the RTB within one month of the tenancy commencement date of the new tenancy No Fee


Approved Housing Body (AHB) Tenancies

Standard Registration Fee Application made to the RTB within one month of the tenancy commencement date €20

Additional Late Fee

Application made to the RTB more than one month after the tenancy commencement date  

€5 for every month (part thereof) that registration is late


Composite Registration Fee


A reduced fee in respect of an application made to the RTB, within one month of the earliest tenancy commencement date, to register a maximum of 10 tenancies in one building by the same landlord at the same time.


2nd Registration or Subsequent in a 12-month period


No fee applies to the 2nd and subsequent registration in a 12-month period in respect of the same dwelling, providing the applications are made to the RTB within one month of the tenancy commencement date of the new tenancy

No Fee



Are You A Landlord? Have You A Query?

Contact IPOA – 01-8276000

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