Guidelines for Housing implementation of Standards in Rented Accommodation (March 2024)

March 2024

The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage recently completed its review of the Guidelines for Housing Authorities in Implementation of Minimum Standards in Rented Accommodation, and an updated version was recently published.

The Housing (Standards for Rented Houses) Regulations 2019, which underpin the Guidelines, have not changed and the changes to the Guidelines are very limited. The Guidelines have been updated with extra information on a number of matters and the existing text improved upon in respect of others.  The Guidelines for Housing Authorities in the implementation of Standards in Rented Accommodation (March 2024) override and supersede all previous versions issued by the Department. The Guidelines are issued under section 5 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009 which requires local authorities to have regard to them in the performance of their rental standards enforcement function.

Changes made in the new Guidelines include, but are not limited to the following:

  • text regarding smoke alarms being in working order and within its ‘end of life’ indicator changed from ‘should’ to ‘must’
  • updated guidance on fire detection and alarm system in multi-unit buildings and the location of sounders in each unit
  • additional acceptable I.S. EN numbers for smoke alarms, fire blankets and emergency lighting
  • clarification that window handles are not covered by the Regs, just window restrictors
  • additional acceptable I.S EN numbers for carbon monoxide alarms
  • information on the use of unused chimneys for ventilation purposes in protected structures
  • additional information on the ventilation of rooms through another room
  • insertion of text regarding refuse storage and collection arrangement information
  • sample checklist updated to reflect relevant Guideline changes
  • new appendix on electrical safety – from Commission for Regulation of Utilities – ‘What to look out for’ guide on domestic electrical visual inspections.

It is useful to refer to the guidelines when completing an inspection of your property.

A copy of the Guidelines is available here.

Sample Checklist

The appendix contains a sample checklist which may be of use.


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* Take note of the date of publication of this piece. Information on this website may change with the passing of time and the law is constantly changing. Whilst we take steps to ensure the accuracy of the information, we cannot guarantee this. Clarification should always be sought.  
Categories: News.