RTB Rental Index Report

8th February 2024 The Residential Tenancies Board issued out its Rental Index Report today. 14,000 tenancies registered in Q3, 2023 reduced substantially from 22,000 in Q3, 2022, a 38% reduction. Rent levels in existing tenancies are lower than in new tenancies: Nationally the standardised average rent in Q3 2023 was higher for new tenancies than for existing tenancies (€1,598 vs €1,357), a difference of €240.35 or 17.7% per month. Nationally, rent levels in both new and existing tenancies have increased:  Nationally, in Q3 2023 the standardised average rent in new tenancies grew by 11.0% year-on-year and in existing tenancies grew
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6 Basics Every Lease Agreement Should include

February 2024 As a landlord your lease (tenancy) agreement is probably one of the most important documents you will use. It is the legal agreement between you and each tenant occupying your property. It outlines the rights and obligations of both parties during the tenancy and should be understood by both parties. A good lease agreement protects the interests of both parties and helps prevent disagreements that could potentially lead to disputes. A sound lease agreement is essential to the effective management of your rental property. It is good practice to put a lease agreement in place outlining the terms
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Landlord Query – Bed Bugs

January 2024 Question: My tenant has been in occupation for 4.5 years, they contacted me yesterday to advise me that their bedroom is covered in bed bugs. The property is shared with 3 other tenants, none are having the same issue. I have arranged for an inspection at the property to see what is occurring. My question is, whose responsibility is it to remove the bugs if there is an infestation?   Response: When a tenant notices bed bugs, they may call the landlord first.  In all cases, a tenant should notify the landlord as soon as possible, to assess
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Categories: Landlord Query of the Week and Uncategorized.

30th November 2023   Listen Back To IPOA’s Chairperson Mary Conway www.rte.ie/news/business/2023/1128/1418877-frustrated-landlords-complained-about-rtb-to-minister/ Landlords across Ireland are experiencing exorbitant wait times for adjudication hearings at the RTB. These delays are having a profound impact on the landlord community and the broader housing landscape. We need a streamlined, efficient, and fair resolution process to ensure the protection of rights and interests of all parties involved.   IPOA SUPPORTING LANDLORDS FOR OVER 30 YEARS   Help Us Help You – Join IPOA Today 01-8276000 / info@ipoa.ie
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Budget 2024 leaves small landlords with “hands bound” as tax incentives threaten to repeat past mistakes

10th October 2023 The IPOA acknowledges that the 20% tax relief on rental income introduced in Budget 2024 for the sector is a positive step in the right direction, but tying the supports to security of tenure leaves landlords with their “hands bound”. The Minister for Finance announced in today’s Budget that he is introducing a temporary 20 per cent tax relief on a portion of rental income for landlords which will disregard income of €3,000 for 2024, €4,000 for 2025, €5,000 for 2026 and 2027, so long as landlords remain in the market for a four-year period. Linking supports
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Budgetary Changes

10th October 2023 The following Budgetary changes may make a difference to your private rental investment.   Rented Residential Relief A new tax relief for landlords is being introduced. It will provide a relief, at the standard rate, of residential rental income.   The relief will be as follows: €3,000 in the tax year 2024; €4,000 in 2025, €5,000 in 2026 and €5,000 in 2027.   A full claw-back of the benefit of the relief applies in the event the landlord removes from the rental market, within 4 years, any of the rental properties held in year 1 when the
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Budget 2024 – Contact Your TD Today

04/10/2023 IPOA have been lobbying hard for your benefit to get changes in the Budget that will help retain you in the sector.     We need you to make contact with your local representatives (by phone, email or personally) specifically FF, FG and the Greens over the next few days to lobby for change to the penal tax treatment of the sector.  Please outline your financial issues.   Attached is the IPOA Pre-budget Submission and our key asks are below.   The IPOA recommends that a new rate of tax on residential rental income of 25% (inclusive of USC
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Categories: News.