What Landlords Need To Know About Rent Increases And Substantial Refurbishment

June 2019 Works can be carried out to your rental property but if they do not meet the definition of Substantial Change below –  a Landlord cannot increase the rent. Please take notice of these rent increase rules. Refurbishment/Change works that commenced on or after 4th June 2019 , must comply with the new legislation if there is an intention to increase the rent to market rate. The definition is as follows:  A substantial change in the nature of the accommodation provided under the tenancy shall only have taken place where— (a) the works carried out to the dwelling concerned—
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Categories: Landlord Legislation, Property Management, and Rent Increases.

Reminder To Landlords – BER Certificates

A Building Energy Rating (BER) certificate is similar to the energy label for household appliances. From January 2009, a BER Certificate is compulsory for all buildings being constructed, or offered for sale or rent. The certificate rates your building on a scale of A-G. A-rated homes are the most energy efficient and will tend to have the lowest energy bills. G-rated are the least energy efficient. A BER certificate is valid for a period of up to 10 years while there are no changes made to the dwelling that will negatively affect its energy performance. As 10 years have passed
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Categories: Landlord Legislation, News, and Property Management.


IPOA are delighted to announce its official Energy Partnership with PINERGY. The brand has long since been a supporter of the Association. As part of the partnership, PINERGY will become official sponsors to the IPOA Residential Landlord Course. This course aims to provide Landlords with valuable information to make better choices in managing their property whilst also ensuring compliance with legislation. IPOA Chairperson Stephen Faughnan highly praises PINERGY’s approach to its customers  and recognises the important role played by SMART technology in the property sector –  be it  the commercial , buy-to-let or for the home owner.  ‘PINERGY gives Landlords greater
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Categories: Energy and News.

Residential Landlord Course – Dublin – Booking Open

Back by demand – the IPOA are pleased to once again deliver the Residential Landlord Course.  Next up is Dublin in Autumn 2019, the course will be delivered over 5 alternative Saturdays in our Head Offices in Ashtown, Dublin 15. Hear what our course attendees have to Say! Alice Barry, Cork 1.Are you a Private Landlord, Agent or Property Support Staff? I am the Property Manager for Murray Property   2.Why did you decide to do the IPOA Residential Landlords Course? The reason for me to do this course was because I am new to property, I had met Margaret
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Categories: First Time Landlord, News, and Training for Landlords.

Landlord Query Of The Week : Rent Increase

Landlord Query of the Week: 29th May 2019 My property is in a Rent Pressure Zone, I have not increased my rent since 2017, I have three tenants on one lease agreement, one tenant is leaving with a replacement in July. I have served a 90 days increase notice , how does the replacement tenant fit in with the increase? The increase will not come into affect until August. IPOA Reply:  *Private landlords must follow certain procedures and rules if they want to raise the rent. The rules are set out in the Residential Tenancies Act. Based on the information
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Categories: Landlord Legislation, Landlord Query of the Week, and Rent Pressure Zone.

More Legislation For Landlords – Passed

May 2019 The Residential Tenancies (Amendment) (No 2) Bill 2018 was passed in the Seanad  on Tuesday night. The new definition for substantial refurbishment will make it difficult if not impossible to change the rent after a substantial refurbishment. There is also no stop on the penalties that will be introduced for late registration when annual registration is introduced. The Bill is expected to be signed by the President by the end of this week. Not all of the legislation will be commenced immediately but the expectation is the following will be commenced early June:- Increased timelines for termination Changes
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Categories: Landlord Legislation, News, and Substantial Refurbishment Rules.

Anti-Landlord Legislation, Unbalanced and Unfair

Anti-Landlord Legislation which is unfair and not balanced and Unreasonable Taxation will do nothing to improve the devastating supply of accommodation to the rental market. This was the key message strongly put forward by IPOA Information Officer, Margaret McCormick on yesterday’s Newstalk (The Hard Shoulder , 13th May 2019) Click HERE to listen back – (Margaret features at 1 Hour 13 Minutes)
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Categories: Landlord Legislation and News.