Changes that will affect your business as a Landlord

It is vitally important that you are aware of looming changes that will affect you as a Landlord. These changes are expected to come into Law in June 2019. RENT SETTING AND RENT REVIEWS –  The designation of existing RPZs will be extended to the end of 2021. –  Works that will qualify for the exemption from the rent increase restriction in respect of a substantial change in the nature of the rental property shall consist of either: a permanent extension increasing the floor area by 25% or at least 3 of the following; (a) a permanent alteration of the internal layout, (b) adaptations for persons with
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Landlords Housing Standards for Rented Accommodation Updated 2019

The Housing Standards for Rented Accommodation regulations were recently updated, effective 1st May 2019. All rental properties must comply with the standards. Failure to comply with the minimum standards can result in penalties and prosecution.  Landlords must ensure that their property is up to standard at the commencement of the tenancy and also during the tenancy. Please click here for Standards. 5 Tips to Help Ensure Landlord Compliance with Housing Standards Know your obligations, have a copy of the most recent Standards on file. Inspect your property twice yearly – (ensure you get consent from tenant). You need to inspect
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Categories: Uncategorized.

The State of the Irish Rental Market in 2019

IPOA Information Officer Margaret McCormick together with Threshold CEO John-Mark McCafferty and  Tom Dunne, Head of the School of Surveying and Construction Management at TU Dublin recently participated in a panel discussion for ‘Between the Lines’ on Newstalk FM. Click HERE to listen to the discussion, Margaret highlights the issues facing Landlords – Complex Legislation and Taxation top of the list!
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Categories: First Time Landlord, News, and Uncategorized.

Rent Pressure Zones to be Extended until 2021

As confirmed by Minister English at our recent meeting  – Rent Pressure Zones have been extended until 2021 – full details have not been given. Also reported in the Irish Examiner.
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Rent Pressure Zones Fuelling Two Tier Rental System

The Rent Index issued by the RTB, featuring actual rents has clearly pointed to the Two Tier System that is now in place in Ireland.  Existing renters benefit from much lower rent than new entrants to the market, which is a disincentive to moving.  The standardised average rent for new tenants is €1237 per month compared to €987, a 21% difference for existing tenancies. IPOA are calling on Minister Murphy to change the law to allow properties when sold to revert back to market rent.  This would encourage investors to buy properties that have previously been rented.  Stephen Faughnan, IPOA
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