Tax Credit For Renters – What We Know

January 2022 A Rent Tax Credit was introduced on 15th December 2022. The Rent Tax Credit will be available for the years 2022 to 2025. Renters can claim the income tax credit for rent payments made in 2022 by making a tax return for 2022. The amount of the credit is 20% of your rent payments in the year, up to a maximum of: €500 for an individual €1,000 for a couple who are jointly assessed for tax The tax credit can be claimed for rent payments made for: Your home A second home you use to take part in
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Weatherproofing Your Property

January 2024 Extreme weather can sometimes mean bad news for landlords – thankfully there are steps you can take to protect your property. Remember – regular inspections can be a good way of ensuring the property is in good working order throughout the year, also ask your tenant to inform you if they are going to be away from the property during a period of bad weather. Take a look at the below things to look out for when you’re weather-proofing your property. External walls Seal any gaps in external walls to prevent cold air and water entering the property. Garden
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Categories: News, Property Management, and Uncategorized.

Tenants Overholding – Are They Protected By The Winter Eviction Ban?

29/11/2022 Question: I served a notice of termination in December 2021 on the grounds of personal use, I returned from abroad in the Summer of 2022 and require my property for my own dwelling. The vacation date was the 1/7/2022 , the tenant did not leave and a case was taken with the RTB . The notice was found to be valid by the RTB  and a determination order  was made on 25th October 2022  for the tenanat to vacate the property within 14 days. Is this Tenant protected by the winter eviction ban?   Response: Based on the information
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Categories: Landlord Query of the Week and Uncategorized.

Understanding the Winter Eviction Ban

The Ban commenced 30th October 2022. A landlord can still serve a Notice of Termination during the winter emergency period. It applies to notices with no fault on the tenants’ part  e.g. selling, own use or family member use. It does not apply for notices served for breach e.g. Rent Arrears, anti-social behavior – with the exception of overcrowding. It applies to Tenancies and licensed Student Specific accommodation Notices served in six month probationary period need a termination date of 18th June 2023   Deferred Termination Dates   Deferred termination dates below now replace the originally specified termination dates that fall
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Categories: News.

RTB – Temporary pause on charging late registration fees

17th November 2022 Following many engagements with the RTB to rectify ongoing issues on the RTB System – IPOA are pleased to welcome a temporary pause on charging late registration fees. The RTB will be applying a temporary pause on the charging of late registration fees due to difficulties faced when registering tenancies. This applies for the following tenancies: new tenancy registrations with a tenancy commencement date on or after the 12 November 2022, and for annual registrations of existing tenancies which became due on or after 12 November 2022. Please take note of the below scenarios which may apply
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Categories: News and Uncategorized.

RTB Registration Fees – Allowable Expense ?

15 November 2022 Question: Is the RTB registration fee allowable against rental income? Response: Yes, the RTB registration is allowable against rental income. There are a lot of expenses that you can claim in order to reduce your tax liability. Tax can be confusing, and many Landlords are unsure of their obligations and entitlements, meaning you often don’t claim back what you are entitled to and miss out on potential savings. Other Allowable expenses may include: Insurance premiums against fire and public liability. Maintenance of your property such as cleaning, painting and decorating. You can deduct these costs as well
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Categories: Landlord Query of the Week and Uncategorized.

The Residential Tenancies (Deferment of Termination Dates of Certain Tenancies) Bill 2022 has been published

24th October 2022 The Residential Tenancies (Deferment of Termination Dates of Certain Tenancies) Bill 2022 has been published and is attached. This Bill introduces: emergency provision to defer the termination dates of certain residential tenancies that fall, or would fall, during the period beginning on the day after the date of the passing of this Bill and ending on 31 March 2023 in order to mitigate the risk that persons whose tenancies would otherwise be terminated during that period would be unable to obtain alternative accommodation; and phased arrangements to enable tenancies affected to be terminated over a period of
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Categories: News.