RTB Quaterly Index

The Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) has published the quarterly Rent Index for the October to December period (Q4) of 2020.


  • Rents grew nationally by 2.7% in Q4 2020
  • Standardised Average monthly rent – New Tenancies €1,304 vs Existing Tenancies €1,069
  • Rents grew nationally by 2.7% in Q4 2020 in comparison to 6.4% in Q4 2019.
  • The national standardised average rent stood at €1,256 in Q4 2020, equal to its level in Q3 2020.
  • In Dublin, in Q4 2020, the standardised average rent stood at €1,745 per month, a 2.1% increase year-on-year. This is down 0.8% quarter on quarter when compared to the rent level in Q3 2020.
  • The lowest rent for houses across the regions was for a one-bed house outside the Greater Dublin Area (GDA) for which the standardised average rent was €722 per month in Q4 2020, while the highest rent across the regions was for four-bed+ houses in Dublin for which the standardised average rent was €2,320.
  • The lowest rent for apartments across the regions was for a one-bed apartment outside the GDA for which the standardised average rent was €751 per month in Q4 2020, while the highest rent across the regions was for three-bed+ apartment in Dublin for which the standardised average rent was €2,219.


More information on the index can be viewed here


If You Need Information Or Assistance With Setting Rent Or Conducting A Rent Review

Contact  IPOA  – 01-8276000

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