What Can Landlords Do During Coronavirus?




  • It will take time for applications to be processed by the Department of Social Protection and forbearance will be required during this time. Landlords and tenants are free to decide on arrangements that suit them. A deferment of rent still means that rent must be paid, and tenants will be in debt.  This debt may have to addressed alongside the payment of rent when the crisis is over.


  • As normal practice we recommend avoiding collecting the rent in cash. Payment direct to Bank Accounts is advised to reduce social contact.


  • A “Mortgage Holiday” may be useful for some members but be aware that interest will still be charged during the “Mortgage Holiday” which will be added to the balance outstanding.



  • If you have identified that you need to self-isolate, it’s important to avoid exposing your tenants to risk. It’s also important to plan now ahead as you may need to implement changes at short notice. This may involve contact with your tenants by telephone, email or text only and a family member; friend or agent temporarily taking on the management of the property.


  • If your tenant is required to self-isolate, it is important that they communicate this with you, this may also involve contact with your tenants by telephone, email or text only.


  • For property visits/inspections landlords should consider whether the visit by you or others (tradespersons/cleaners etc.) can be postponed.



  • For the checking/out of tenants, the same guidance given by the HSE apply -social distancing and good hygiene practices. Ensure the standard of cleaning between tenancies is maintained as normally would be.


  • If your properties are managed by an agent, ask what steps your agent is taking with regards to the current situation.


  • Landlords may also wish to consider providing additional support for vulnerable tenants, such as the elderly, disabled and those with a long-term illness.




01-8276000 / info@ipoa.ie



IPOA encourage Landlords to be as accommodating as possible with payment arrangements,  working with the tenant to repay any arrears when things return to normal.


Categories: News, Property Management, and Uncategorized.