Working Group to Examine Defects in Housing – Survey

February 2022


The Working Group to Examine Defects in Housing is asking people to provide information on their experiences of defects relating to fire safety, structural safety, and water ingress in purpose-built apartment and duplex buildings constructed in Ireland between 1991 and 2013.


Using online surveys the Working Group is seeking the experiences of:

  • Homeowners (both current and former)
  • Landlords (including private investor/owner, institutional/commercial, Approved Housing Body, Local Authority, etc.)
  • Directors of Owners’ Management Companies (OMCs)
  • Property Management Agents


Information is sought from people regardless of whether such defects in those properties are currently known, unknown, or where no such defects have arisen.


The surveys, an explanation on how the survey responses will be used by the Working Group, the Working Group membership, its Terms of Reference, and a Privacy Statement relating to the surveys can be accessed at:


The landlord specific survey can be accessed here


The surveys are open until 5pm on Monday 14 March 2022

Categories: News.