Does A Landlord Need To Be Informed of An Inspection

February 2024


I recently received an Improvement letter from the Council outlining works that needs to be completed in my rental property following an Inspection.

This was the first I heard about any inspection on my property.  On speaking with my tenant, they advised me that they were aware of the Inspection and had received a letter advising them of same. My preference would have been to be in attendance on the day of inspection.

I have no problem with conducting the works, however, my question is – can the council conduct an inspection in a rental property without informing the Landlord first?



An inspection may be instigated and undertaken as part of the HAP, Homeless HAP or RAS process, it may be carried out due to a complaint made or it may be carried out on a proactive basis.

If your property is identified for inspection, the Council or subcontracted company will contact the landlord or tenant by an appointment letter to arrange an inspection. A time and date for the inspection will be agreed.

There is no requirement to advise the Landlord specifically of the inspection – the Landlord or tenant must be notified. In your case the tenant was notified, and they agreed the time and date of the inspection.


You can request that a tenant informs you if they get a notice of inspection, however, they are not obliged to do so.


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* Take note of the date of publication of this piece. Information on this website may change with the passing of time and the law is constantly changing. Whilst we take steps to ensure the accuracy of the information, we cannot guarantee this. Clarification should always be sought.  
Categories: Landlord Query of the Week and Uncategorized.