RTB report Q4 Rent Index Report – Statement from Mary Conway, Chairperson IPOA

2nd May 2024

  •  RTB report Q4 Rent Index Report – Chairpersons Statement

“The data presented in the RTB Rent Index Report fails to account for the costs and challenges associated with maintaining properties and providing quality housing for tenants. Just under 56,500 new tenancies were registered with the RTB last year, a fall of 21% on the previous year. This represents a worrying trend, as property owners’ continue to leave the market.”

The Irish Property Owners’ Association (IPOA) notes the findings of today’s RTB Rent Index Report for Q4 2023 and recognises the important role of the RTB in monitoring and enforcing rental regulations.

The IPOA encourages collaboration between property owners and regulatory bodies to ensure a fair and balanced rental market.

“The latest RTB Rent Index Report underscores the ongoing challenges faced by landlords in maintaining sustainable rental incomes, while it is acknowledged that rents in both new and existing tenancies have increased, this is primarily due to new stock being brought to the market by large institutional landlords and property investors. The reality is there is a significant discrepancy between new and existing tenancy rates which is troubling”

“Landlords are confronted with mounting expenses such as property maintenance, insurance, and burdensome high tax rates, which must be balanced against rental yields.”

Ms Conway reiterates the IPOA’s commitment to fostering a fair and sustainable rental market that benefits both landlords and tenants. “We urge policymakers and stakeholders to consider the challenges faced by property owners in the current rental landscape. Collaboration and dialogue are essential to address the complexities of the current housing market to ensure the provision of quality rental accommodation for all.”


 RTB report Q4 Rent Index  – Full Report – CLICK HERE


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