Archives for News

IPOA Chairperson welcomes Housing Commission Recommendations to Abolish Rent Pressure Zones

29th May 2024 IPOA asserts that RPZs only serve to exacerbate an already dysfunctional property rental market The Irish Property Owners Association (IPOA) welcomes the recommendations outlined in the Housing Commission’s recent report advocating for the abolition of Rent Pressure Zones (RPZs) in Ireland. The report, which critically examines the current state of Ireland’s housing market, suggests replacing the RPZ system with a more effective regulatory framework. The RPZ system, which has now been in place for eight years, restricts rent increases to inflation or a maximum of 2 per cent, whichever is lower. Among the key recommendations in the
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Report of the Housing Commission for the Private Rental Sector

May 2024 Below please find the main recommendations of the Report of the Housing Commission for the Private Rental Sector. #31. Balance the rights and responsibilities of both tenants and landlords through a programme of legislative and regulatory reforms to make the private rental sector more attractive to both parties. #32. Deliver cost-rental housing at scale and transition to cost-rental as the main form of supply for both affordable and social rented accommodation to: address the challenges in maintaining the supply of rental housing; assist in addressing affordability challenges in the private rented sector; enable social housing providers to accommodate
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RTB report Q4 Rent Index Report – Statement from Mary Conway, Chairperson IPOA

2nd May 2024  RTB report Q4 Rent Index Report – Chairpersons Statement “The data presented in the RTB Rent Index Report fails to account for the costs and challenges associated with maintaining properties and providing quality housing for tenants. Just under 56,500 new tenancies were registered with the RTB last year, a fall of 21% on the previous year. This represents a worrying trend, as property owners’ continue to leave the market.” The Irish Property Owners’ Association (IPOA) notes the findings of today’s RTB Rent Index Report for Q4 2023 and recognises the important role of the RTB in monitoring
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IPOA – Election Manifesto

May 2024 The continuation of Rent Pressure Zones (RPZs) and indefinite tenancies only constrict rental supply further, IPOA continue to work on Landlords behalf in this regard.   We launched our Election Manifesto this week, warning that rental supply will be further constricted with the continuation of Rent Pressure Zones (RPZs), and indefinite tenancies. We have appealed to all election candidates to use their voice to take urgent action. IPOA Manifesto – CLICK HERE RPZ legislation is due for review by the end of 2024, we urge Government to earnestly consider the negative impact RPZs have had on the market
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Pointers for Serving a Notice of Termination

  April 2024 Pointers for Serving a Notice of Termination   Notice of Terminations must be copied to the RTB at the same time as served on the tenant.  The RTB request a copy of completed Notice of Return Form with the Notice of Termination. They can be emailed to or posted to Residential Tenancies Board, PO Box 47 Clonakilty, Co. Cork.  The RTB should receipt the notice.   Use the notices drafted by the RTB that are on their website and do not remove any items.   The notice can be served on the tenant by post.  Express
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Guidelines for Housing implementation of Standards in Rented Accommodation (March 2024)

March 2024 The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage recently completed its review of the Guidelines for Housing Authorities in Implementation of Minimum Standards in Rented Accommodation, and an updated version was recently published. The Housing (Standards for Rented Houses) Regulations 2019, which underpin the Guidelines, have not changed and the changes to the Guidelines are very limited. The Guidelines have been updated with extra information on a number of matters and the existing text improved upon in respect of others.  The Guidelines for Housing Authorities in the implementation of Standards in Rented Accommodation (March 2024) override and supersede
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RTB – Reintroduction of Late Fees For Registration

13th February 2024 Starting on 1 March 2024, the RTB will resume the charging of late fees for late tenancy registration.   A late fee will be applied for each month, or part thereof, that a new tenancy registration or annual registration renewal with a start date on or after 1 March 2024 is deemed to be late.  Late fees will not be applied retrospectively.   See further details below on how the recommencement of late fees is coming into effect for upcoming and late registrations.   Upcoming New Registration or Annual Registration Renewal Late registrations: 4 April 2022 –
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