Tenant Replacing Tenant – Probationary Period?


I have let a 4 bed house for the past 5 years.  Four tenants were on the original lease agreement, no fixed term is in place, no problems have ever occured.

A new tenant has recently replaced a previous tenant. Three tenants currenlty in the property were on the original lease, the new tenant (fourth) replaced a previous tenant 2 weeks ago.

What happens if the new tenant does not get on with the existing tenants? I have reason to believe that there have been difficulties already.


Based on the information provided,  an assignment has occured. An assignment is where a tenant finds someone to replace them and they leave the tenancy; the person who replaces them becomes the tenant of the landlord.

In this situation, the new tenant (assignee) will require 6 months of continuous occupation in the dwelling before qualifying for Part 4 tenancy rights. Therefore, in the first 6 months a landlord can terminate the agreement with the assignee.

If difficulty is being casued by the assignee you have the option to terminate the assignee within the first 6 months.


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