Archives for Landlord Query of the Week

Query of the Week – Paused Periods

1st June 2021 Question I served my tenant with a termination notice in March 2020, just ahead of Covid-19 Restrictions. They have been with me 10 years. They are entitled to 224 days’ notice. I understand that the notice period was paused at certain times due to Covid-19 restrictions. As restrictions are now lifted in this regard, I need to recalculate the vacation date. What were the paused periods?   Response: You are correct. Covid-19 restrictions essentially paused your notice of termination.  The duration of any Emergency Period will not count as part of any termination notice period given. You now
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Categories: Landlord Query of the Week.

Renewing A Tenancy Agreement/Contract

27th May 2021 Question: I have a 1-year fixed term tenancy in place – coming towards the end of the fixed term shortly.  Do I have to renew the tenancy contract/agreement for another fixed term, or can the existing the tenancy agreement just roll over? Response: You may or may not choose to renew the contract/agreement. Essentially it really is up to you and to an extent the tenant. In short, if both parties would prefer a new fixed term, they can go ahead with this option. If everyone is happy with it continuing periodically, then that is fine also.
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Categories: Landlord Query of the Week.

Maintaining The Garden?

12/05/2021 Question: Neighbours have alerted me that the garden of my rental property is beginning to get a bit overgrown and may need tidying up. I want to get this sorted as soon as possible – who is responsible for this? Response: It is important to make sure you know where you stand when it comes to the garden to avoid potential disputes over its maintenance and upkeep. Therefore, the question of whose responsibility it is should be included in your tenancy agreement. Your agreement may require your tenant to carry out basic maintenance of the garden such as mowing
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Categories: Landlord Query of the Week and Uncategorized.

Signing Of A Lease – Witness Required?

5/05/2021 Question: I am just about to rent out my first property. Do I need the lease agreement to be witnessed when signing by both parties? Is it still valid if there is no witness? Response: There is no legal requirement for the signing of the lease to be witnessed. However, IPOA suggest as best practice that signatures are witnessed if possible. As a landlord your lease (tenancy) agreement is probably one of the most important documents you will use. It is the legal agreement between you and each tenant occupying your property. It outlines the rights and obligations of
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Categories: Landlord Query of the Week.

Condensation In My Property?

29th March, 2021 Question: My tenant is currently working from home due to Covid-19, and due to being in the property a lot more has noticed/advised me of condensation in different rooms. This has never occurred in previous tenancies; how should I resolve this problem?   Response: Condensation in properties needs checking out. Condensation is not a hazard itself and is unlikely to be a serious defect in the property. However, condensation may lead to issues relating to damp and mould growth, both of which could be considered a problem for the property and tenant. To avoid this, we suggest it should
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Categories: Landlord Query of the Week and Uncategorized.

Does A Rent Book Need To Be In Hard Copy?

22nd March, 2021 Question: It is my first time letting a property – I know under legislation I must provide my tenants with a rent book, does this have to be a physical rent book, can this be a digital document? I do not live in the same county as the property and will not be collecting rent in person.   Response: Yes, we understand this can be a digital document. The requirement to provide a rent book is set down in legislation since 1993. A rent book is a document that records details about a tenancy and notes all
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Categories: Landlord Query of the Week.

My Tenant Has Not Paid Rent For 10 Months Now

29th January 2021 Question My Tenant has not paid any rent since the first Covid-19 Lockdown in March 2020.  As of the 25th of January 2021, I have received no rent in 10 months. During this period, I have not received any self-declaration from the Tenant, and I believe them to be working full-time from my property. Are the tenants protected or can I terminate this tenancy?   Response: From the information provided, the tenants are not protected and yes, you can terminate this tenancy. The new protections do not apply to a tenant who, on the 10th of January
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Categories: Landlord Query of the Week and Uncategorized.