Archives for News

Rents At An All Time High Yet Landlord Retention Continues To Be A Big Issue !

With average rents at an all time HIGH in most parts of the country – one would wonder why landlords continue to LEAVE the sector? The answer to this is very simple. Continual state interference in the private rental sector – punitive taxation, complex and ever changing legislation and rent control!  “Increased supply of accommodation is the only solution to the housing crisis, rent control reduces the supply of available accommodation, the evidence is clear; between 2016 and 2018 over 2000 landlords left the sector and over 12,000  rental units are no longer available.  The State needs to value the service
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Categories: News.

UIPI Hiring – Project Officer

The  UIPI Secretariat is currently looking for a Project Officer to strengthen its work at its Brussels office. Click HERE for the official job call and for instructions to proceed to the application.  
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Categories: News.

IPOA Representing You

IPOA has been busy over the summer months taking every opportunity possible to represent our members and the wider community of Residential Landlords. The recent Daft Rental Report shows that rental inflation has fallen to a six-year low.  It also highlighted that the amount of available rental accommodation is disturbingly low at 2,700 units available for rent on 1st May, the lowest ever recorded. The RTB Annual Report for 2018 issued recently shows a loss of 12,474 private rental tenancies between 2016 and 2018.  In 2012, there were 212,000 landlords in the sector compared to 173,197 in 2018. Rent Pressure
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Categories: News and Uncategorized.

Available Rental Accommodation Disturbingly Low

The Daft Rental Report shows that rental inflation has fallen to a six-year low. The report deals with properties being offered for rent on the market but does not reflect existing tenancies. It also highlights that the amount of available rental accommodation is disturbingly low at 2,700 units available for rent on 1st May, the lowest ever recorded. The RTB Annual Report for 2018 issued recently shows a loss of 12,474 private rental tenancies between 2016 and 2018. In 2012, there were 212,000 landlords in the sector compared to 173,197 in 2018. Rather than increase the amount of accommodation available
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Categories: News.

Excess Usage Of Water: Update (Irish Water)

8th August 2019 It is important to be abreast of the changing situation around excess usage of water. Irish Water will begin writing to customers shortly who are using in excess of 213,000 litres with advice on conservation and their first fix leak repair programme. Each household will receive an annual allowance for water services and no charges will apply for water services used up to the allowance threshold amount. The default annual allowance is 213,000 litres for households. Households with more than four occupants will be entitled to a higher allowance. All water services used above the allowance threshold
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Categories: News and Property Management.

More Regulation – Less Landlords; Less Tenancies; Less Occupants?

According to figures released by the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) in their 2018 Annual Report, the number of private rental tenancies from 2017 to 2018 has reduced by 5,654,  it further reports that there are 19,222 less occupants from 2017 to 2018 and 804 less private landlords. This is a continuation of the trend since 2012 when the RTB reported that there were 212,306 landlords, a staggering 39,109 landlords have left the sector. We are seeing the unintended consequences of complex legislation, over-regulation and punitive taxation.  The data presented in the report reflects fewer rental properties coming on the market at
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Categories: News and Uncategorized.

Residential Landlord Course – 2 Places Remaining – Book Now

Develop your skills with the IPOA Residential Landlord Course. We are delighted to announce that the upcoming Residential Landlord Course is near full to capacity.  Only 2 places remaining ! Contact us today is you wish to attend. We look forward to welcoming course attendees onto the programme in September. We have a cancellation list in operation once the final 2 places are taken for those who are still interested in attending. Please click HERE for further programme information.   CONTACT US  today is you wish to attend.
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Categories: News.