Archives for News

The Residential Tenancies (Deferment of Termination Dates of Certain Tenancies) Bill 2022 has been published

24th October 2022 The Residential Tenancies (Deferment of Termination Dates of Certain Tenancies) Bill 2022 has been published and is attached. This Bill introduces: emergency provision to defer the termination dates of certain residential tenancies that fall, or would fall, during the period beginning on the day after the date of the passing of this Bill and ending on 31 March 2023 in order to mitigate the risk that persons whose tenancies would otherwise be terminated during that period would be unable to obtain alternative accommodation; and phased arrangements to enable tenancies affected to be terminated over a period of
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What we know so far about Winter Eviction Ban

19th October 2022 The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage received Cabinet approval for legislation which will provide a temporary and conditional stay on tenancy terminations this winter. The Residential Tenancies (Deferment of Termination Dates of Certain Tenancies) Bill 2022, will defer no fault tenancy terminations that are due to occur from 1st November 2022 until after 31 March 2023.   The Bill is not as yet available for scrutiny. The Minister for Housing has stated that “where a tenant willfully withholds rent or engages in anti-social or criminal behaviour they will not be protected by this legislation” The legislation will
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Government Proposal To Introduce Evictions Bans Is Highly Discriminatory Against Landlords – IPOA

Government proposal to introduce evictions bans is highly discriminatory against landlords – IPOA IPOA has deep-rooted reservations around the proposed measure and asserts there are many unintended consequences that have not yet been fully considered by Government The Irish Property Owners’ Association (IPOA ) today ( Monday 10th of October) has expressed its deep-rooted reservations about the Government’s possible move to introduce eviction bans on landlords whose tenants cannot pay their rents, as a consequence of the cost-of-living crisis. This measure which is currently being considered by Government, comes after a number of Fianna Fáil TDs called for an eviction
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Budget 2023 – A missed opportunity to help retain investors and encourage new investors to enter the market

27th September 2022 The Irish Property Owners’ Association is shocked, disappointed and saddened that the Government has not addressed the serious issues which the Association has repeatedly brought to the Governments attention. Once again Government have reneged on their responsibility to curtail the loss of valuable accommodation for Tenants. In a note to members prepared just after the details of Budget 2023 were announced, IPOA Chair, Mary Conway said “No meaningful attempt has been made to prevent the exodus of landlords from the market in spite of the State not providing homes for people. Over the years the Irish Property
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 Tuesday 20th September, 2022 IPOA, Irish Property Owners’ Association and IPAV, the Institute of Auctioneers & Valuers, will today Tuesday (20th Sept.) appear before the Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Local Government & Heritage in which we will present proposals to address the flight of small landlords from the market, which is exacerbating the rental and housing crises. Chief among the recommendations will be a new rate of tax on residential rental income of 25 per cent (inclusive of USC and PRSI) for residential rental profit to encourage small private landlords to remain in the market and support new investment. It
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IPOA Submission – Public consultation on a Referendum on Housing in Ireland

5th September 2022 The Housing Commission has invited submissions on whether there should be a referendum on the introduction of a constitutional amendment regarding housing, and, if so, what form such a constitutional amendment might take. The IPOA is pleased to be given the opportunity to make a submission to the Commission on this key debate on behalf of its membership. A housing referendum will simply allow future governments the opportunity to pass the proverbial buck by failing to provide a comprehensive, cohesive housing strategy for all the country’s citizens, that will encompass sustainable living in an environmentally friendly fashion.
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Public Consultation on a Referendum on Housing – Views Sought

30th August 2022 The Housing Commission is inviting submissions on whether there should be a referendum on the introduction of a constitutional amendment regarding housing, and, if so, what form such a constitutional amendment might take. The Commission would like to encourage as many people as possible to have their say in this consultation on a Referendum on Housing in Ireland. You are invited to send in a submissions to assist the Commission in its task of providing independent advice to the government on a potential constitutional amendment.  Closing date 2nd September 2022.   There are three ways to provide
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