Archives for News

Budget 2022 – IPOA Respond

October 2021 The Irish Property Owners’ Association is disheartened, disillusioned and disappointed that the Government has not addressed the serious issues which the Association has repeatedly brought to the Governments attention.    Once again the Government has missed the boat in providing accommodation for Tenants. In a note to members prepared just after the details of Budget 2022 were announced, IPOA Chairman, Stephen Faughnan said “Neither the Government nor opposition has grasped the nettle which is causing the exit of thousands of Property Owners from the market.  Over the years the Irish Property Owners’ Association has outlined the causes of these
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Local Property Tax (LPT) Valuation – Update

You may already have been contacted by Revenue with regards to your Local Property Tax. The next valuation date for Local Property Tax is the 1st November 2021. It is important that Landlords are aware of this –  the valuation of your property on the 1st November will determine the LPT amount to be paid annually from 2022 to 2025. LPT details on Revenue’s website are available HERE. Finance (Local Property Tax) Act 2012 (as amended) click HERE   IPOA – SUPPORTING RESIDENTIAL LANDLORDS CONTACT US 01-8276000 /
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The Residential Tenancies (Tenants’ Rights) Bill 2021

22/09/2021 The Residential Tenancies (Tenants’ Rights) Bill 2021 introduced by Ivana Bacik Labour TD is before the Oireachtas today.    It is an opposition Bill and is expected to be blocked by the Government. The purpose of this Bill is to make a range of amendments to the Residential Tenancies Acts 2004 to 2020, to provide for greater security of tenure and rent certainty for tenants, and to provide for other enhancements to tenants’ rights. Provisions of Bill Removes the right to vacant possession when selling. All areas not already designated as Rent Pressure Zones to become RPZs for a three-year
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Rent Reviews – Harmonised Index Of The Consumer Price

9th September, 2021 If a new tenancy in a Rent Pressure Zone commences after 16 July 2021 (“New Tenancy”), the rent must be set using the new RPZ calculator based on the harmonised index of the consumer price (HICP). If prior to the New Tenancy commencing, a rent review was carried out but the rent of the rent review notice did not take effect (for example because the tenancy terminated prior to the 90 day notice period expiring) the landlord cannot use that figure in calculating the rent for the New Tenancy. Have You A Question Regarding Rent Reviews? Contact
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Housing for All – Private Rental Market

2nd September, 2021 The Government announced the “Housing for All” plan this afternoon. It is an extensive set of documents and contains items that affect the private rental market. The document contains the following plans: – Bring forward legislation with provisions to address long-term security of tenure expected (Q4 2021) Extend Rent Pressure Zone (RPZ) protections to end 2024 and link rent increases to Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (Q3 2021) Implement Minimum BER standards, where feasible, for private rental properties, commencing in 2025 (Q1 2025) Examine the creation of a system of holding rental deposits, informed by international experience
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Legislative Changes For Landlords

The Residential Tenancies (No.2) Act 2021 was signed into law on Friday 9th July by President Higgins and commenced on that date, apart from Section 6 which commenced on the 16th July 2021. Commenced on the 9th July 2021 extends the rent arrears protections in Part 3 (Residential Tenancies) of the Planning and Development, and Residential Tenancies, Act 2020 (PDRTA) until 12 January 2022; limits the amount of rent in advance and/or a deposit that landlords can ask people to pay to secure a tenancy; and provides that students do not have to give more than 28 days’ notice to
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Property Owners Criticize Government For Playing To Populism

The State has, for more than 15 years, exasperated the housing crisis by introducing populist anti property owner legislation. This has had a devastating impact reducing supply.   22,000 tenancies have been lost since Rent Pressure Zones were introduced in 2016.     Government policy cannot and should not be developed as a reaction to the hysterical posturing of left-wing politicians and tenant advocacy groups on social media and television.  Legislation needs to be considered, measured, accountable and effective.  Additional supply is what is required and retaining existing supply is essential. Extending the rules to 2024 substantially disadvantage landlords trapped with unsustainable rents,
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