Archives for Landlord Query of the Week

Date Of Birth / PPS Number When Registering With The RTB?

March 2022 Question: Can you help clarify if I’m obliged as a landlord to provide my date of birth as well as my PPS number in registering with the RTB. I am wondering if it is a legal requirement and how it is covered under GDPR.   Response:  The RTB is a statutory body responsible for (but not limited to) the operation of a national registration system for all residential tenancies, the operation of a dispute resolution service, the provision of both information and policy advice, and completion of research regarding the rental sector. PPS Numbers are used as reliable
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Categories: Landlord Query of the Week.

Squatters Rights?

March, 2022   Question:  Squatters are in my rental property for about 6 months now, what can I do to get my property back – do they have any rights?   Response: We do not have squatter’s rights in Ireland, however there is what is called ‘Adverse Possession’, but this does not happen often. Adverse possession, as it is known in legal terms, (otherwise known as “Squatter’s Rights”) allows a third party to claim a right over a property which is registered in the name of another person – on the basis that they have not paid rent, occupied the
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Categories: Landlord Query of the Week.

Leak Coming From The Property Above Mine, Is This Covered By Insurance, Who Is Responsible?

September 2021 Question: There was a leak coming from the property above mine, it has caused damage to my ceiling, wooden floors and tenant’s laptop, is this covered by insurance and who is responsible? Response: On the assumption that your property is a rented apartment unit within a management company (OMC) controlled block, there will be a management company Block combined (property and liability) insurance policy (the ‘Block policy’) in place in the normal course, which you as an owner contribute to via your annual management fee and this is paid to date. Your first port of call therefore is
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Categories: Landlord Query of the Week and Uncategorized.

Installing A Smart Meter?

September 2021 Question: One of my tenants would like a smart meter installed in my rental property. Do they need my permission to have this installed?  What are the benefits of agreeing to this for me as Landlord and the Tenant? Is there an installation cost involved? Response: As part of the Climate Action plan, homes across the country are getting Smart Meters installed by ESB Networks free of charge. About 400,000 Smart Meters have been installed to date and every home across Ireland will be offered a Smart Meter over the next three years. The main benefit is that
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Categories: Landlord Query of the Week and Uncategorized.

Mice In Property – Who Is Responsible – Landlord Or Tenant?

30th June Question My tenant has reported finding mouse droppings under the kitchen sink and has heard scratching noises coming from the attic of the property. They have requested that I organise pest control to do a site visit. Is this my responsibility or the tenant’s responsibility?   Response The responsibility for dealing with vermin or other pests and infestations can either be the tenant’s or the landlord’s responsibility, depending upon whose actions or inactions caused the problem. A rodent issue may be caused by the tenant’s negligence – for example not putting out rubbish, leaving food around the property
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Categories: Landlord Query of the Week and Uncategorized.

Couple/Joint Tenants Seperating

23 June 2021 Question I rent out my two-bed property to a couple who have recently split up. One has stopped living at the property-having moved out and taken their belongings with them. The remaining tenant let me know that the rent would be slightly late because he was struggling to pay for both. I do sympathise with the remaining tenant, but I have a mortgage on the property and need the full rent paid – is there anything I can do? Response: This can be a common enough situation. When multiple tenants sign a tenancy, they are all jointly
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Categories: Landlord Query of the Week.

What Insurance Does A Landlord Need In Place By Law?

10/06/2021   Question: I am a new Landlord, what insurance cover do I need in place by law? What are the types of Insurance available?   Response: By virtue of the Residential Tenancies Act 2004, Landlord’s should have Property Damage and Public Liability cover in place for every unit they provide for private rented accommodation. Apart from that, other insurances that are mandatory are those prescribed by a contract e.g. the terms of a mortgage or loan / the terms of a lease agreement. Either or both of these contracts may require you to insure property, glass, loss of rent,
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Categories: Landlord Query of the Week and Uncategorized.