Archives for News

Attention Landlords: Residential Tenancies Act – Update

29th March, 2021 The Cabinet agreed some time ago to extend the protections set out in the Residential Tenancies and Valuation Act 2020 for tenants who have fallen into rent arrears as a result of Covid-19, and are at risk of losing their tenancy. This was done through the Residential Tenancies Bill 2021 which went through the Dáil last week.   The Bill will shortly be signed into law by the President. The Minister for Housing stated in the Dáil that 407 tenancies have sought protection under this measure. The protections are for Tenants who are or were, from the period from
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Categories: News.

RTB Quaterly Index

The Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) has published the quarterly Rent Index for the October to December period (Q4) of 2020.   Rents grew nationally by 2.7% in Q4 2020 Standardised Average monthly rent – New Tenancies €1,304 vs Existing Tenancies €1,069 Rents grew nationally by 2.7% in Q4 2020 in comparison to 6.4% in Q4 2019. The national standardised average rent stood at €1,256 in Q4 2020, equal to its level in Q3 2020. In Dublin, in Q4 2020, the standardised average rent stood at €1,745 per month, a 2.1% increase year-on-year. This is down 0.8% quarter on quarter when
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Categories: News.

There Is A Need To Protect The Providers Of Accommodation

The Irish Property Owners’ Association, the national landlords association, accepts and understands the need to protect vulnerable tenants who meet the self-declaration criteria.  However, there is also a need to protect the providers of accommodation. The IPOA are calling for fair play for landlords in cases where rent arrears are not discharged. Stephen Faughnan Chairman outlines, “In cases where tenants have been protected at the expense of their landlord and the rent arrears are not repaid, IPOA are calling for the landlord to be allowed to offset the arrears as an expense in their tax return reducing the financial cost
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Categories: News.

Update For IPOA Landlords

For any period when people’s movement is restricted to 5 kilometres from their home as part of COVID-19 restrictions (Level 5 Restrictions), tenants cannot be evicted . The current Level 5 period is expected to end on the 5th April 2021.  During this period the following apply:- Notice of Termination may be served   Notices of terminations served are generally paused except for following: Anti-Social Behaviour; Behaviour that invalidates the landlord’s insurance; or Use of the dwelling other than as a residential accommodation unit, without the landlord’s written consent; Behaviour that threatens the dwelling.   Rent Increases can be served
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Categories: News.

IPOA AGM – Virtual

On the 10th February 2021, IPOA were delighted to hold our first Virtual AGM. Our attendance numbers were excellent and we completed the normal Business of the AGM in a quick professional manner. We found the virtual AGM was a great option in order to ensure that all necessary procedural and statutory legalities of the meeting were completed in a manner that respected social distancing rules while simultaneously encouraging engagement with our members. Our speakers outlined the development necessary to bring the Association in line with modern requirements of Marketing, Technology and Connectivity etc.   We also got a comprehensive briefing
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Categories: News and Uncategorized.

Tenant Protections Extended

The protections for tenant in place since the 31st December have been extended to the 5th March 2021. The Residential Tenancies Act 2020 also introduced a 10-day grace period for ending tenancies, which means the earliest anyone has to leave their accommodation during this Level 5 emergency period is 15th March 2021.   Please note:-   Level 5 does not restrict the serving of a Notice of Termination.  There may be a revised date on the termination but you may serve it giving the normal required period of time.  The additional time resulting from the increased protection will be added to the
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Categories: Landlord Legislation and News.