Archives for News

Daft Report

9th November, 2020 The Daft report released today outlined information on the third quarter of the 2020 rental market which has been adversely affected by Covid-19.  There has been a change in behaviour in the market, with tenants in certain industries working remotely and abandoning properties in Dublin city resulting in increased availability in the city centre and increasing demand outside Dublin. Student accommodation availability has also increased with less students attending lectures on campus.   Some landlords have moved from the student market.  Stephen Faughnan, IPOA Chairman addressing Members stated that “Covid-19 has resulted in more vacancies in Dublin City
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Categories: News.

International Rental Markets Suffering – Covid-19

It is not just the Irish Rental market that has changed in recent times, rental markets around the world are suffering as a result of Covid-19. Student markets have been devastated with many students attending colleges on-line.  Student accommodation near colleges have empty units. Many employees are also working remotely and have left their rental accommodation in major cities.   NEW YORK – Purchase prices for accommodation in Manhattan have reduced to 2013 prices with prices for properties in Weschester County a region North of New York increasing by 16%.   SAN FRANCISCO – Rents are falling as a result of
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Categories: News.

Additional Protections For Tenants

The Residential Tenancies Act 2020  was debated in the Dáil and Seanad on the 22nd and 23rd October and signed into law by President Higgins on the 24th October. IPOA is investigating the ramifications of the legislation and the effect it will have on tenancies.  Below are our initial observations but do not take this as legal interpretation. The Residential Tenancies Act 2020 is effective from the 24th October and provides additional protection to tenants. It provides for these protections to automatically activate when the Minister of Health makes relevant regulations which impose restrictions on travel outside a 5 kilometre
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Categories: Landlord Legislation and News.

Restrictions On Terminations

By way of update, the Government has agreed to place a ban on terminations. A Bill is currently being drafted to modify the Residential Tenancies Act 2004 to prevent any notices of termination served by landlords from taking effect during the period of level five restrictions. Our understanding is, this Bill, will not permit any terminations, except in exceptional circumstances such as anti-social behaviour and if a dwelling or home was being used for other reasons without the consent of the landlord. It is anticipated that anytime the Government decides to implement 5km travel restrictions in the future the freeze
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Categories: News.

IPOA Would Like To See Measures For Landlords

The Irish Property Owners’ Association is disappointed to note the lack of understanding of rental law in Ireland.  There are protections for tenants affected by Covid-19 in place until the 11th January 2021 and Rent Supplement is available for tenants who are dealing with reduced income and are not able to meet the cost of their accommodation. Problems arose previously during lockdown, with anti-social behaviour disturbing other tenants and neighbours; however, anti-social tenants were protected to the detriment of other tenants and law-abiding citizens, this must not happen again. Stephen Faughnan outlined “IPOA would like to see measures for landlords
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Categories: News.

Budget 2021

Budget 2021 had some details around Housing in general but disappointingly nothing specific to the private rental sector other than additional funding for the RTB and for Local Authority inspections. Announced were:- €3.3 billion spend in housing – 24% increase on 2020 Increase funding to €21 million for the Residential Tenancies Board and Local Authority rental inspections and to implement reforms for the short-term letting sector 12,750 new homes will be added to the available supply of social housing through build, acquisition and long-term leasing Support for local authorities and Approved Housing Bodies to deliver 9,500 new build homes in
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Categories: News.

IPOA Pre-Budget Submission

The IPOA Pre-Budget Submission has been submitted to the Minister for Finances.  Brief details of our recommendations are outlined below.   Key Recommendations   Rental loss incurred as a result of rent forgiveness, or as a result of the additional rent arrears protections provided by the State due to Covid-19, should be allowable as an expense.   Treat letting property as a business.  Remove the restriction imposed by section 97 on rental business and treat the rental business in the same manner as any other business.   Allow an exemption from Income Tax for Long-Term Leasing Structures to encourage long-term
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Categories: News.