Archives for News

RTB Sanction & Investigation

A number of changes were introduced to the legislation governing the residential landlord and tenant relationship, these changes  increased the obligations and the potential liability of residential landlords. In addition to changing the law, the 2019 Act also introduced a new complaints, investigations and sanctions procedure. This is a new function of the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) which means the RTB are now in a position to impose penalties on landlords who are found to have committed improper conduct.   What constitutes improper conduct? Failure to comply with the Rent Pressure Zone (RPZ) requirements. This occurs by increasing rent by
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Categories: Landlord Legislation, News, Property Management, RTB and Dispute Resolution, and Uncategorized.

Interesting Results From IPOA Recent Survey

Thank you to all the members who completed our recent survey, your effort is greatly appreciated. IPOA surveys allow us to provide hard numbers on opinions and behaviors which can in turn be used to make important decisions.   Age Profile of Landlord?  50% of survey respondents indicated that they were in the 61-75 age category. Just over 25% of respondents were aged 51-60, 1.6% were between the ageas of 31 -40 and 8.1% in the 41 – 50 age category and 14.5% were over 75. We had no respondents under the age of 30 years of age.    
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Categories: News and Uncategorized.

IPOA Welcome RTB Chairperson Mr. Tom Dunne

A full house on the 13th February 2020 welcomed recently appointed RTB Chairperson Mr. Tom Dunne to address IPOA members and present Certificates of Attendance to our recent Residential Landlord Course participants. Mr. Dunne is a Chartered Surveyor and served as Head of the School of Surveying and Construction Management at the Dublin Institute of Technology from 1997 to 2019.  He was previously the founding Chair of the RTB from 2004 to 2009 and his early involvement in the Residential Tenancies legislation coupled with his continuing interest in the sector gives him significant insight into the rental market. Tom outlined
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Categories: News and Uncategorized.

Understanding What Each Party Intends To Do -The Private Rental Sector. 

Understanding what each Party intends to do around the Private Rental Sector.   Ensure that you and your family make an informed choice. “Please see the below snapshots of relevant points of interest to the IPOA from the Election Manifesto (in alphabetical order) of  Aontú, Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael, Green Party, Labour, Sinn Fein and Social Democrats”.  FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES PLEASE REFER TO THE VARIOUS PARTIES FOR CLARIFICATION. Aontú     Greater security of tenure with the introduction of indefinite tenancies Remove selling as a ground for terminating tenancies Introduction of a rent cap tied to the inflation rate “Buy to Let” landlords who
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Categories: News and Uncategorized.


IPOA run a series of FREE meetings for members nationwide.  We also provide Drop-in Clinics prior to meetings for those who like to speak with the IPOA one-on-one. Our meetings give you the chance to meet fellow landlords, get important updates on the sector, get involved in the Association and make your voice heard. Save The Dates:  (Speaker details will be provided shortly – the below events will be held in the evening @ 7.00pm – registration from 6.30pm) Dublin 13th February, 2020          –         Aisling Hotel, Parkgate Street Dublin 18th June, 2020                –         Aisling Hotel, Parkgate Street Dublin 12th
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Categories: News.


It is important that the voice of the Landlord is heard loud and clear.  Do NOT miss YOUR opportunity – voice your opinion!  Are You Happy With The Tax You Pay As A Landlord?  Over half  your rental income goes back to the State, income tax at marginal rate, PRSI, & USC. Local Property Tax is not deductible expense. Rental income should be treated as reckonable income for pension purposes. Building Energy Improvements should be allowable as a double expense and offset able in the year it is carried out. Allow Wear and Tear over 4 years instead of 8
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Categories: News and Uncategorized.

Removing Barriers to Energy Efficiency in the Rental Sector

Public Consultation The Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment are undertaking a Public Consultation on Removing Barriers to Energy Efficiency in the Rental Sector by addressing the ‘Split-Incentive Problem’.  The objective of the consultation is to identify the most appropriate policy interventions. It is important that you complete the survey/consultation, and have your voice heard. Please note the closing date is 17th January 2020 A number of options are outlined in the consultation including: An enhanced grant for landlords who upgrades their rented property and their own home at the same time; provided both properties are brought up to
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Categories: News.