Archives for News

More Rent Pressure Zones – 18th December 2019

From the 18th December 2019 four new Electoral Areas were designated as Rent Pressure Zones. The new Rent Pressure Zones are: Baltinglass, Co Wicklow Piltown, Co Kilkenny Cobh, Co Cork  Strandhill-Sligo, Co Sligo. Landlords – ensure you know if your rental properties are located in a Rent Pressure Zone. A Rent Pressure Zone (RPZ) is a designated area where rents cannot be increased by more than 4% per annum. This applies to new and existing tenancies (unless an exemption is being applied). Know how to conduct a rent review in a Rent Pressure Zone – click HERE. The RTB Rental
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The Irish Property Owners’ Association, the national landlords’ association believe that a rent freeze will substantially damage the private rental market and reduce the amount of accommodation available to tenants.  Rather than help tenants, a rent freeze will result in more landlords fleeing the market causing more difficulty for people in need of accommodation.   It will not encourage investment nor would it assist in retaining existing rental accommodation.   A rent freeze would freeze income without freezing costs.   Maintenance items like services charges, insurance, mortgage interests costs, plumbing, accountancy fees, replacement furniture and fittings will not be frozen.  Renting property would
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Develop Your Knowledge & Business With The IPOA Residential Landlord Course

Develop your landlord knowledge and network with other landlords with the IPOA Residential Landlord Course. Places  are booking fast for the Spring 2020 Course – only 10 places now remaining! Learn from our expert line up of speakers, including: Tony Wallace, Senior Surveyor  Ruth Cannon, BL  The Residential Tenancies Board  Brendan Allen, Taxation Consultant  Tom Reilly, Ex Tribunal Member & IPOA Committee Members  Margaret McCormick, IPOA Information Officer  Whether you’re a new landlord starting out on your journey in the Private Residential Market, or a landlord with many years’ experience, this Residential Landlord Course is for you. The course is also
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IPOA Annual General Meeting

The Irish Property Owners’ Association held it’s 26th Annual General Meeting on the 14th November 2019.  Over 200 members gathered in the Louis Fitzgerald Hotel Dublin, to explore and discuss the Private Residential Market. Chairperson of the Association Stephen Faughnan welcomed those in attendance and efficiently progressed the order of business. No issues were arising from the minutes of the AGM 7th November 2018. P Fitzgerald & Co were appointed as Accountants of the IPOA. No issues were arising from the the Financial Report Year ending 31/12/2018. Proposed constitutional amendment accepted – Committee composition changed from 10 members to 14
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IPOA’S Own Margaret McCormick Talks Regulation; Rent Control and The Daft Report With LMFM

Listen Here @ 27.30 minutes The Daft Rental Report shows that rental inflation has fallen to a six-year low.  The report deals with properties being offered for rent on the market but does not reflect the level of rent of existing tenancies, where tenants remain in situ.  It also highlights that the amount of available rental accommodation has increased by 10% since last year indicating an improvement in the supply.   Anecdotally, IPOA members have said that the number of people contacting them looking for accommodation has reduced, indicating  less pressure on the market. The RTB Annual Report for 2018 demonstrates
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Budget 2020

IPOA strongly criticises Budget 2020 for not addressing any of the serious issues which the Association has repeatedly brought to the Government’s notice. This Budget does nothing to encourage investment or retain the Private Residential Landlords in the sector. Main Points Of Budget 2020 Property Related: €1.1bn will support the building of 11,000 social houses in 2020, and a further 12,000 will be built in 2021. The help-to-buy scheme will be extended until 2021. Funding of €20 million for homeless services – a 13% increase, bringing total funding to €166 million. Funding of €80 million for HAP. Funding of €2
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Student Specific Accommodation

It is important that landlords are aware of recent changes to legislation in relation to Student-Specific Accommodation (SSA). This includes purpose built student accommodation and accommodation that is let for the sole purpose of providing accommodation to students during the academic year. The legislation clarifies that Student-Specific Accommodation provided by the private sector is within the jurisdiction of the RTB, regardless of whether there is a lease or license agreement in place. What Do These Changes Mean for Landlords? If you provide accommodation to students under a license agreement after 15th August 2019 you must register with the RTB. Student
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Categories: Landlord Legislation, News, Property Management, RTB and Dispute Resolution, and Uncategorized.