Archives for News

Tenancies of Unlimited Duration

From 11 June 2022, the Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Act, 2021 amends legislation around Part 4 tenancies and Tenancies of Unlimited Duration come into effect.  It means that, after six months living in a tenancy, the tenant will have a right to remain in the property for an unlimited duration assuming a valid notice of termination has not been served. This is subject to the tenant upholding their rental obligations and the landlord’s right to end the tenancy in accordance with the Residential Tenancies Act 2004 (RTA).   All new tenancies created on or after 11 June 2022 will automatically become Tenancies
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Housing Policy Needs to Adjust to Address Market Failures in the Rental Sector

A new study by economist Jim Power and commissioned jointly by the Irish Property Owners’ Association and the Institute of Professional Auctioneers & Valuers has concluded the rental market is in a state of crisis exacerbated with the exit of non-institutional landlords in significant numbers, reducing supply and putting upward pressure on rents. The study finds, amongst other issues, that: The constantly changing and very challenging regulatory and taxation environment that treats private landlords very differently from institutional landlords, is largely responsible for private non-institutional landlords leaving the market RPZs (Rent Pressure Zones) are creating a 2-tier rental market and
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Categories: News.

Fees for RTB Annual Registration

April 2022 Landlords must register tenancies each year on time, otherwise late fees will be payable .   Fees for Annual Registration   Private/Student Specific Accommodation (SSA)/Cost Rental Tenancies     Standard Registration Fee   Application made to the RTB within one month of the tenancy commencement date €40 Additional Late Fee Application made to the RTB more than one month after the tenancy commencement date €10 for every month (part thereof) that registration is late   Composite Registration Fee   A reduced fee in respect of an application made to the RTB, within one month of the earliest tenancy commencement date, to register
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Categories: News, Property Management, and Uncategorized.

RTB Annual Registration – Now Law

April 2022 New legislation commenced 4th April 2022 requires landlords to register their tenancies with the RTB every year, within one month of the anniversary of when the tenancy began.   The RTB’s registration system will notify landlords in advance of the yearly anniversary to the address given but we recommend that you put a calendar in place to ensure that you know in advance when it is required.  It is important to note that reminder notices will be issued to the existing correspondence details held and landlords must ensure that they keep their details up to date with the
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Categories: News and Uncategorized.

Equal Treatment Is Essential

Interesting Piece by Pat Davitt of IPAV – Institute of Professional Auctioneers and Valuers – This Situation Must Be Addressed – Equal Treatment Is Essential.     IPOA SUPPORTING LANDLORDS CONTACT US –
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Categories: News.